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1) Build 2 granaries , 6 hovels , market and rest of wood make wc.
2) Extend stockpile to 6-8 spaces , buy 350-450wood .
3) Make 10 inns , 8 Breweries .
4) Make 6 apples in First Row
5) Make 1 stone quarry , 2 iron quarry , 2 ox tether.
6) Make 4 apples in next row and 2 hops .
7) Cover Granary with hovelz or wood
8) Make more wc , Buy more wood .
9) -8 at 95 pop .
10) Sell pitch and Wheat and make hovelz till 178 pop and maintain pop till wood comes between 162-170pop .
11) Make 10-20 wc when wood comes , sell 120-140 stone , all iron and make shops near to stockpile ,
12) Make 4 armories near to stockpile .
13) -4 tax -4 food at 240 pop .
14) Start making millz at 260pop .
15) -2 tax -4 food at 300pop . 
16) Make 10-20  millz at 310pop and start making moat and wallz . 
17) -24 tax at 355 pop . 
18) -8 food zzzz inns , millz at 370pop .
19) zzzz wc when u have 1000+wood  .
20) Make a mercenary post and engineer guild . 
21) You Must have 30-50 shops and 280-300 peasants for army making . 
Notice : If u want to make high pop dont let ur popularity down then 100 and alwayz try that peasants dont sit infront of keep .
Army Tactics :                                                
1) Make 40 ha (for defense if enemy sneaks)
2) Make 30-40 slaves . Select 5-6 slaves to dig from one place . 
3) Make 30 engineers for shields . 
4) Make sins 150-200 sins .
5) put 50-55 sins in 1 group and make 3-4 groups of sins . 
6) Ctrl 1= Shields Ctrl 2= ha Ctrl 3,4,5,6=sins .    
7) Alwayz pack your sins at one place so if u attack with your sins u can cause enemy heavy damage .                                                                          
Short Cuts :
wc= wood cutters
ha= horse archers
sins= Assassins
pop= Population      

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